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IP Due Diligence
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

� 11:30 AM - 12:00 PM    Registration & lunch (for pre-regsitrations only)
� 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM      Workshop

Kurt Mulville of Orrick will present a summary of the substance and procedures in an IP due diligence analysis.

Typically, the intellectual property due diligence process accompanies an investment or acquisition of company assets and is comprised of both an assessment of strength of a company's IP portfolio, as well as an assessment of the risk to a company's freedom to operate in specified business operations.

The discussion will include the separate and discrete issues in analyzing IP portfolio strength verses freedom top operate issues and will describe the different standards of review that may be applied to risk assessment of freedom to operate and will also provide an overview of the mechanisms of assessing portfolio value and freedom to operate risks. Mr. Mulville will also discuss the potential strategies that can be used to improve the value of a due diligence review and will consider a case study of a prospective technology analyzed for freedom to operate issues.

The session will also include ample opportunity for questions and answers from the audience.

Kurt T. Mulville, Partner, Intellectual Property, Orange County Office, Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP
Kurt T. Mulville, a partner in the Orange County office, is a member of the Intellectual Property Group. Mr. Mulville develops patent portfolios for technology companies with emerging technologies, and has extensive experience in patent litigation at the trial and appellate levels. Mr. Mulville specializes in developing successful patent prosecution and litigation strategies in highly competitive environments, such as the fields of biomedical devices and biotechnology. Click here for full bio»

The San Jose BioCenter
5941 Optical Court
San Jose, CA 95138
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